THE FORD IN BRITAIN FILE: Model by Model -- book review

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THE FORD IN BRITAIN FILE: Model by Model -- book review

Post by IFHP »

Eric Dymock
2002, ISBN 0 9534142 6 4, Dove Publishing

I love the concept for this book but the execution leads me to believe that this was a rushed job. However at L 20 for this well illustrated 480 page hardbound book -- its a good deal even if it falls short of perfection.

This book is the eighth in a series of model by model books by Mr. Dymock. These books feature a single manufacturer and devote two pages to each (significant) model variation over the life time of the marque. The book looks great and covers all British- built Ford passenger cars and most later day cars, SUVs and light trucks sold in Britain. Some racing cars, show cars, tractors and military vehicles are also thrown in for good measure. The problem I had with the book was both with the obvious flaws like the mismatched photos and car descriptions to more subjective issues such as vague descriptions. While each entry does clearly state the year the described model was introduced, I wish the final year of production was also mentioned. Don't get me wrong though, the book is worth buying if you like British Fords, and many of the errors could easily be corrected if there is a second printing.

To order a copy you can write the publishers at: Dove Publishing, Old West Church Manse, 31 Argyle Terrace, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, PA20 0BD, UK. Or you could try Bookspeed at (44) 181-994- 7054, or

Review by Michael MacSems
The Universal Car, December 2004
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Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:07 am

Post by patricia39 »

Even if I don't have any car, I am still a fan of Ford. So last week, when I searched the new Ford invention, I found a book online entitled “The Ford in Britain File: Model by Model” by Eric Dymock. This book gives you an in-depth history of Ford cars in the UK.

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